
Set IP address for the interface.


You can configure more than one IP address on an interface. Each virtual IP must also be assigned to an interface or to a [CARP](https://docs.lineratesyst ems.com/087Release_2.6/200CLI_Reference_Guide/Configure_Commands/Interface_Mod e_Commands#carp) group.

When you set the IP address, the system automatically also adds a local route based on the IP address.

An interface can have more than one IP address. Unlike other systems you may work with, F5® LineRate® adds each specified IP address to the interface. Use the no form of the command to remove an IP address.

For a port channel:

  • Any IP address configured on an interface can remain before adding the interface to a port channel, but the IP address is ignored. When you remove the interface from the port channel, the IP address will be active.
  • You can configure IP addresses on a port channel.


intf_name: Name of interface

ipAddr: IPv4 or IPv6 address–Must use [standard F5® LineRate® IP address form at](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/087Release_2.6/250REST_API_Reference_Guid e/000Getting_Started_with_the_REST_API/300Understanding_the_REST_Hierarchy#IP_ Addresses).

Data Key

The IP address within data key must match the IP address in the ipAddr node name.

Data Type

[ip-addr-with-mask](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/087Release_2.6/250REST_AP I_Reference_Guide/000Getting_Started_with_the_REST_API/400Supported_Request_Ty pes_and_Query_Keywords#ipaddrwithmask)

Default Allowed


Request Methods




curl -b cookie.jar -k ce/em1/ip/addrMask/

GET Response

{/config/system/interface/em1/ip/addrMask/ {
    default: false,
    type: "ip-addr-with-mask",
    data: {
        addr: "",
        network-prefix: 8
    numChildren: 0,
    defaultAllowed: false,
    deleteAllowed: true
httpResponseCode: 200,
requestPath: "/config/system/interface/em1/ip/addrMask/",
recurse: false


curl -b cookie.jar –data @data.json -k -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X POST k/

POST Response

{"httpResponseCode": 200,
  "requestPath": "/config/system/interface/em1/ip/addrMask/",
  1. /config/system/interface/<intf_name>/ip/addrMask/ 1. Parameters 2. Data Key
    1. Data Type 3. Default Allowed 4. Request Methods 5. Related 6. Examples